Village Clubs and Activities

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

Held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10am until 12pm in the Victory Hall. A chance to catch up with friends and neighbours as well as meet new people. Tea and cake too. Everyone welcome.

The Post Office van arrives outside the Hall at 11.40am until 12.05pm.

Rainbow Cafe

On the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Temple Sowerby Church from 2.30pm until 4.30pm.  Drinks, cakes and snacks. A chance to meet up, play board games and children’s playarea. Everyone welcome.

Book Club

Reading Group

Temple Sowerby Reading Group has it’s monthly meetings in the Kings Arms Pub. Formed in Spring 2012, we have read a variety of titles chosen from the Cumbria Library Service’s list of 600 books available to reading groups. Many of us have now read and enjoyed books we would not have previously chosen to read (although we do occasionally give up on one or two!). The discussion is lively and informal, with no prescribed formula. We are a friendly Group and everyone can contribute as much or as little as they wish.

Anyone interested please email Angela.

Wine Evening

Wine Social Evening

We have an excellent wine social evening in our village that meets at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall on the second Wednesday of the month from October through to May. These meetings are very friendly and informal affairs where the main aim is to have an enjoyable night – and perhaps learn a little bit about the wines we sample.

At a typical meeting you will try 6 wines – usually 3 whites and 3 reds. Members of the club volunteer to host each evening, select the wines and provide some tasting notes to illuminate your wine tasting experience – nibbles are provided to prevent this experience going to your head too quickly! Don’t worry about having to volunteer, there is no pressure to do so, and you will soon see how easy it all is.

You get all of this for only £10 per head per meeting to cover the cost of the wine, nibbles and hall rental. So why not give it a try: you will quickly make new friends, find wines to suit your taste and pocket – and you can walk home at the end of the evening. There are no annual subscriptions and any funds accumulated over the year go to subsidise the cost of the wine at our end of term dinner.

You can just come along on the night, but for newcomers it would help the hosts get the numbers right if you could let us know you intend coming. So, please contact Doug by email at if you would like to join us.

We have about 30 regular members but we would like more, so you will be made very welcome.

Coffee Morning

Temple Sowerby Supper Club

Temple Sowerby Supper Club was formed in 1992 by Mary and Alice O’Keeffe. The group meets once a month. We have a meal and occasionally a talk or a demonstration, on a wide range of subjects.

There is an annual outing usually to a garden or other place of interest. We have a summer break.

We are a friendly group of about twenty at the moment but welcome any new members. If you wish to join us or you would like further information please contact Kay at

Newbiggin Ladies Group

Newbiggin Ladies Group

We meet the first Thursday of the month except January and August, in the Newbiggin Reading Room. A speaker on a subject of interest or an event is arranged by members of the group, who share the organisation of the meetings. December is our Christmas lunch and in June we usually have a walk. It is a very relaxed and informal group that has been running over 60 years now. If you would like to know more contact Deborah at

Newbiggin Reading Room is available to hire by local residents for non-commercial purposes. The premises were completely renovated and modernised in 2016 to make an attractive venue that is warm, dry, and cosy.

It comprises a meeting room, well equipped kitchen, toilet and lobby all on the ground floor. Parking along the village green is nearby.
The meeting room has comfortable seating for up to 20 people.

Room hire rates, morning, afternoon or evening session are from just £20.
For more details, availability and bookings please contact
Mrs Annette Hall

Flowers from the flower show