Village Information
Household Rubbish Collection and Recycling
General Household Rubbish – The Blue Bag collection for household rubbish is on a Monday in Temple Sowerby.
Kerbside Recycling – For information on the recycling box, bags and garden waste bin, as well as the collection days click for your Westmorland and Furness Recycling Calendar.
For more information on recycling visit Westmorland and Furness Council Household Rubbish and Recycling webpage. There is also recycling, eg cardboard, at the front of Temple Sowerby School yard which benefits the school.
Furniture and White Goods – If in good usable condition, consider local charity shops, using the Village Whatsapp Group to sell or give away items, or if free Penrith & Eden Freegle. For bulky household waste see Westmorland and Furness Council.
Lots of information on reducing waste, reusing and recycling can be found at Recycle for Cumbria.
Temple Sowerby has Fibre Broadband. Households who wish to upgrade to fibre broadband must contact their service provider. The advantages are faster download and upload times, and the ability to have more devices using wifi simultaneously.
Bus & Train
Bus: The 563 bus service, by Stagecoach, runs Monday to Friday.
click here for 563 timetable.
The Fellrunner Bus does not stop in Temple Sowerby but does pass through some nearby villages so it is useful to know of its existence. More information and the timetables can be found here.
The Voluntary Social Car Scheme is intended for those people who have no other means of transport. Volunteers are available to collect you from your home and take you to your chosen destination for a reasonable cost.
Rural Wheels provides door-to-door transport for people who do not have, or are unable to access scheduled transport. Rural Wheels uses a ‘Smartcard’ to pay for travel and a central booking system to plan journeys. Passengers need to apply for the Smartcard before they are able to travel. Help support public transport along the Eden valley from Kirkby Stephen to Penrith. Like the Facebook Page and get involved.
Train: The two nearest railway stations are Penrith and Appleby Railway Stations.
The village has a defibrillator which is in a cabinet attached to the front wall of the Victory Hall.
If in an emergency the 999 operator feels it is necessary for the defibrillator to be accessed whilst waiting for an ambulance, you would be given the code to the box. Once switched on, the defibrillator will give you instructions on how to proceed. Basic first aid training, CRP and using a defibrillator has been taught by Murton, Hilton and Appleby First Responders in sessions held at the Victory Hall. If you are interested in having a further session of training please contact the Parish Council.
Please be responsible and clean up after your dog (we know the majority of dog owners do in our village). There are litter bins throughout the village, which can be used to dispose of wrapped dog waste. Please use them. Dog fouling which is not picked up by the owner is unpleasant and unsightly for pedestrians, as well as posing the health risk of Toxocariasis which can lead to blindness. For more information on dog related issues, including microchipping, reporting lost and found animals as well as reporting fouling look here.
Eden Garage
Local garage offering MOT, servicing, fuel and vehicle hire. Tel: 017683 61212 Email:
Fish & Chip Van
Every fortnight the “Chippie Van” is parked on the main road of the village. Details of dates, times, menu and how to order can be found on our website.
Food Bank

The Church is a collection point for our local Food Bank. If you are able to donate any non-perishable items to help support those in need we would be very grateful. There is a green container behind a fence to the right the Church Porch where your donations can be left. Thank you.
For more information emai
If you need to report new issues with roads, pavements, street lighting or traffic signals use the Highways Hotline 0300 303 2992, or you can Report a Fault by filling in an online form. If you use the online reporting system, you can check on the map if the fault has already been reported, as well as report a fault by clicking on the area of the map where the fault is located.
Litter & Fly-tipping
Please remember to put your litter in the bins provided around the village. Fly-tipping, which has occasionally occurred on the outskirts of the village can be reported on telephone 01768 817817 or on the online form.
Local Council & Representatives
Parish Councillors: See the Parish Council page on this website
Westmorland and Furness Council’s webpage
Westmorland and Furness Councillors:
Neil McCall and Lorna Baker
Contact details
Planning – For information on making a planning application, as well as viewing and commenting on applications visit Westmorland and Furness Council’s website.
MP: Tim Farron (Liberal democrat) Contact Details
Meals on Wheels
Freshly cooked two course meals from the British Gypsum Canteen are delivered by volunteers, all for a reasonable price, on three weekday lunchtimes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This service is only for people who find it hard to shop for food or prepare meals for themselves. Is this you? Do you know someone who might benefit? For more details about this service and to check eligibility, contact John by email
Volunteers who do the deliveries find helping in their own community most rewarding, and John is needing one or two more. If you are interested in being a volunteer with this service, it is usually only one two-hour delivery each month. For more details contact CVS (Cumbria Voluntary Service) 01768 800350. DBS checks are necessary. Mileage is paid.

Mobile Post Office
As well as the Post Office and shop in nearby Kirkby Thore a Mobile Post Office visits Temple Sowerby every Tuesday between 11.40am to 12.05pm. It parks in front of the Victory Hall. It also sells some basic provisions. Please try to use this valuable service if you can.
In Temple Sowerby United Utilities provide our water supply and deal with wastewater, for more information visit their website.
To report an emergency such as no water, poor pressure, sewer flooding or water leaks you can ring 0345 6723 723 or use the online form. If you have no water or the pressure is low you can check if United Utilities are already aware of it here.